SoftDev Supports 12th SOW QIN-QIO Data Collection
Building upon a history of supporting two previous Statements of Work for the Quality Improvement Program and serving as a prime on the Network of Quality Innovation and Improvement Contractors (NQIIC) contract vehicle, SoftDev is expanding its services as a new subcontractor on the 12th SOW QIN-QIO effort. The five year QIN-QIO task order supports innovation, broad quality improvement initiatives, and data-driven methodologies suitable for spread to achieve five broad Aims that cover: (1) Improved Behavioral Health Outcomes, focusing on Decreased Opioid Misuse; (2) Increased Patient Safety; (3) Increased Chronic Disease Self-Management (Cardiac and Vascular Health, Diabetes, slowing and preventing End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)); (4) Increased Quality of Care Transitions; and (5) Improved Nursing Home Quality. This effort provides targets assistance to nursing homes, communities, small and rural practices, those serving the most vulnerable populations, and those in need of customized quality improvement in Kansas, Missouri, South Carolina and Virginia. In support of prime Health Quality Insights (HQI), SoftDev will be designing and developing the data collection tools, databases, access controls and interfaces for QIN-QIO measurement collection and reporting as well as providing our subject matter expertise in CMS healthcare data and infrastructure to foster the measure development.