SoftDev Announces AHRQ Medical Expenditure Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC) Health Policy Booklet Abstraction Task Order Award
SoftDev proudly announced today that the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) awarded SoftDev the Medical Expenditure Survey Household Component (MEPS-HC) Health Policy Booklet Abstraction task order. As prime contractor on this 16-month contract, SoftDev will support activities to develop an abstraction tool and database of health insurance policy information abstracted from Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) and other policy documents collected from households participating in the Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Survey. Data on health insurance coverage generosity from this file will be useable alone or in conjunction with other MEPS files for different analytic purposes. For example, the analyst may enhance their research by linking to person characteristics or data identifying private insurance coverages held and individuals’ experiences with plans.
SoftDev is excited to lead this effort not only because it allows us to work with AHRQ, an influential Federal health research agency, but also because the project will demonstrate yet another avenue where data can be utilized to better inform decision-makers regarding our healthcare system. We look forward to providing AHRQ with a sound, insightful solution that reflects our culture of delivering cost-effective, high-quality work. “As always, SoftDev is just so proud to be chosen by AHRQ to do this work. We believe strongly that our team and our solution will deliver the needed data in the best possible format so that AHRQ can do their good work,” said Robin Kaiser, President at SoftDev.
Founded in 1999, SoftDev a leading healthcare IT company. The firm is an SBA-certified HUBZone and Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business (EDWOSB).